Top 20 NuGet Packages

Surender Utilities
SurePrep File Access Layer Library
Simple Logger framework
My package description. SMS Gateway Client Proxy Wrapper
This package contains dlls needed to run the MATLAB generated code SURF Fearues, it contains custom OpenCV 3.4.0 DLLs, and cudart64_101.dll
SurfaceAD for UWP,only support Windows10,仅支持Win10 UWP。
This package can read, move and rotate STL shape object . Additinaly this package can analyze the surface features (eg: Gauss curvature, Avarage curvature) and transform into subdivision surface(Catmull - Clark).
Surfdude dynamically drives really RESTful APIs. This package works with APIs that return SimpleJson.
Surfdude dynamically drives really RESTful APIs. This package just contains abstractions and parts for building a Surfdude API client. Please search for Surfdude client packages that work with specific media-types.
命令模式开发管理类库,简化命令模式的开发。 开发者继承ICommand,并实现Execute方法,在SurfCommand管理器中添加命令,使用Run、LoopRun方法执行命令接收,当收到有效命令时执行相关动作。
Simple library for storing credentials.
An SSH library with a focus on network devices and concurrency.