Top 20 NuGet Packages

Package Description
Strong Namer will automatically add strong names to referenced assemblies which do not already have a strong name. This will allow you to reference and use NuGet packages with assemblies which are not strong named from your projects that do use a strong name. NOTE: This fork use MsBuild 12 instead...
A strong type is a type used in place of another type to carry specific meaning through its name.
Mutex variable synchronisation
Strong typed class generator for application settings, configuration strings, view state, control state, hidden fields, cookies, query strings, application state, session state which builds classes similar to the class build by ASP.NET for profiles.
.NET Portable Class Library that provides general purpose types to make your code safer and easier to read and maintain.
Package Description
Avoid runtime error "The model item passed into the dictionary is of type ‘X’ but this dictionary requires a model item of type ‘Y‘". The template generates truly strongly typed views to use in your controllers with zero configuration.
Strong Names all referenced libraries if they are not already in Release build.
Random interface implemented with Cryptographically-Secure Pseudo-Random Number Generator. Everywhere you use System.Random, StrongRandom can be used now. Additionally missing boilerplate extensions for any Random: NextBool, NextChar, NextString etc. added. Strongly unit tested.
Strong names code generation command line interface, with option to render partial class, and specify a prefix to resource stream key
Creates a random string based on a mix of numbers and letters.
Easy command-line scaffolding
Easy command-line scaffolding designer
Enables the inspection of the contents of .net solutions and c# projects
Base infrastructure for implementing configuration.
Common classes and Type extensions.