Top 20 NuGet Packages

Squared Infinity ▪ Threading ▪ Locks
Squared Infinity ▪ Types ▪ Description Types: SquaredInfinity.Types.Description.ITypeDescription SquaredInfinity.Types.Description.ITypeDescriptor
Squared Infinity ▪ Types ▪ Description ▪ IL
Squared Infinity ▪ Types ▪ Description ▪ Reflection
Squared Infinity ▪ Types ▪ Mapping
Squared Infinity ▪ Win32Api Types: SquaredInfinity.Win32Api.credui SquaredInfinity.Win32Api.dwmapi SquaredInfinity.Win32Api.gdi32 SquaredInfinity.Win32Api.shell32 SquaredInfinity.Win32Api.user32
Squared Infinity ▪ Windows ▪ Behaviors Behaviors: UIElement.Click UIElement.DoubleClick
Squared Infinity ▪ Windows ▪ Data ▪ Converters
Squared Infinity ▪ Windows ▪ Extensions
Squared Infinity ▪ Windows ▪ Resources
Please see
Airtable integration with SDL's drafting system.
A full matchmaking and drafting system designed for Splatoon.
Language project for SDL's projects.
Settings package for SDL's projects.
Implements the Freezable pattern. Custom fork for Squidex CMS.
A roguelike library for .NET
C# .NET wrapper for the Squiggle API