Top 20 NuGet Packages
Repackaging of sharpziplib
A simple IO abstraction layer
A fork of SimpleJson, a powerful yet simple json (de)serializer with support for Unity and custom types
Package Description
Package Description
.NET Core 3.1 SharePoint online REST client with authentication using only username and password, without any Client ID or Client secret.
Offers only three methods:
Authenticate - providing username, password and endpoint, which you want to call your REST request upon
ExecuteGetRESTCall - execute s...
обертка для работы с API AmoCRM
Spooky Project
A simple wrapper to simplify the usage of functions FindFirstPrinterChangeNotification, FindNextPrinterChangeNotification and FindClosePrinterChangeNotification in managed code.
Spoon creates and serves snapshots of your web application's dynamic content in keeping with Google's
"escaped fragment" Ajax crawling specification. It is particularily well-adapted to single page web applications.
Spoon Standalone Connector streamlines the retrieval of page snapshots generated with Spoon Standalone.
Lightweight page content management
This is a custom editor part that displays through reflection every property tagged with a specific Category attribute. It'll behave mostly like the default property grid editor parts of SharePoint but it'll also display the WebDescription attribute value (provided it exists) below the control of ea...
Sporq: your Azure governance multi-tool.
Library for generic linq filtering
A cross-platform base framework useful for all projects that use .Net Core
My package description.
Odds Feed SDK API
Odds Feed SDK Common
Odds Feed SDK REST Entities