Top 20 NuGet Packages
SimplePay .Net Core SDK
Demonstration of NuGet package that adds a couple of HtmlHelper methods to your project. It uses templating to change the name of a class and modify the appropriate web.config sections. This will be used for an upcoming speaking session. For a great pluralization library capable of pluralizing phra...
A simple library for reading RSS Feeds for Podcasts. Will get basic info for the podcast, iTunes metadata, and a list of all available episodes of said podcast.
A Simple Predictive Text library
Simple predictive text library
A library for SI- and IEC-prefix conversion
A simple abstraction for running processes
Minor improvements
Simple dynamic proxy client
SimpleProxyClient Attributes nuget
A simple queue method (with System.Threading and Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting) that can handle 1 - 100 queues.
All sorts of miscellaneous, mostly atomic utilities, methods, workarounds and wrappers.
Abstraction classes for instance-based, unit-testable way to use static system functions, such as Windows Registry management.
Utility classes for managing events and logging.