Top 20 NuGet Packages
Common Header files for SGX SDK
WPF 中打印功能 处理 PDF 可用 的是FreeSpire.PDF 及一些WPF 自身携携带的打印类库
导出 PDF ,截屏,抓取地址,后期用知道再扩展,项目可用作 桌面及web 服务的后台 小工具
添加Cors 的配置说明
Creates a sh core webapi app.
Library that allows to generate pseudo-random text based on the provided template
Librería que genera la firma necesaria para conectarse con los servicios de PlusPagos. Permite a la vez la encriptación de cadenas en AES-256 usando la secretkey provista al comercio que se integra.
c# dotnet core native implementation of SHA3, keccak and Shake implementation.
Makes the task of creating and using templates much easier by using simple tokens in a file and annotations on a model.
An API with useful data structures.
shaderc binding for .net
Translates C# code to HLSL and GLSL shader code.
Build-time plugin which generates shader code during a post-build event.
C# attributes and primitives for generating shader code via ShaderGen.
Dependency inclusion control
Framework de entidades dinâmicas