Top 20 NuGet Packages
Library to access the DCT (Pegasus Gateway) RPC web service.
Package Description Database Access Framework based on Reflection and ADO.NET. Sel.Configuration provides access to configuration information provider (default for .net is app.config/web.config file). Database Access Framework based on Reflection and ADO.NET.
This version has been ported to the Dotnet Core Framework 2.1.
Sel.Core.Configuration provides access to configuration information provider (default for dotnetcore is json.config file). Database Access Framework based on Reflection and ADO.NET.
This version has been ported to the Dotnet Core Framework 2.1.
Sel.Core.Data provides access to Database providers (default for mssql).
Select dialogs for WPF
Render Select input with Brazilian States.
Render select input with Brazilian States
Parser for $select in querystring.
Необходимо подключить стили и ввести в html страницу
<component-select params="Value:Select,ArrayValues: AllCountries,KeyFieldName:'Key', TextFieldName:'Value'"></component-select>
Где "ArrayValues", "KeyFieldName","TextFieldName" являются обязательными параметрами
Package Description
Package Description
My package description.
A Bootstrap Themed select HTML Helper for MVC.
Selectize is a jQuery-based custom <select> UI control. Useful for tagging, contact lists, country selectors, etc.
Selectize.js Bootstrap 2 Theme