Top 20 NuGet Packages

Package Description
Package Description MVC 3 helper library that enables the use of Html Conventions, FluentValidation and ActionControllers MVC 3 helper library that enables the use of Html Conventions, FluentValidation and ActionControllers
Package Description
Compiste web application development framework, the underlying architecture of the project and contains many application development infrastructure. SchuberFramework azure access class libraries .
Compiste web application development framework, the underlying architecture of the project and contains many application development infrastructure. SchuberFramework data access class libraries (use entityframework) .
C# Wrapper for the Rotten Tomatoes API.
Generates Hello World phrases in multiple random languages.
SchwabenCode General Extensions and Methods
Entity Handling by SchwabenCode
Class Library to play around
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description