Top 20 NuGet Packages
Get a text and display in console
A simple and brief json parser.
C# Console Utility Microlibrary
Boost your C# Console Applications with a few simple extensions and components.
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My package description.
Support for calling multiple split-bundled webpack entrypoints with hashed IDs without resorting to directory listing or file globbing tricks.
Base front-end template for SBS intranet applications
Initial release of .NET Core library for Microsoft LUIS client.
At the time of this release the Microsoft.Cognitive.LUIS client is not available on .NET Core. This is a .NET Core port of that library. Once Microsoft does port Microsoft.Cognitive.LUIS to .NET Core, this will not longer be required.
Build sripts shared among SBSuite projects
repack the devexpress components
a native component
Scripts shared among SBSuite setup
scripts shared among SBSuite test projects
Package Description
My package description.