Top 20 NuGet Packages

Data Access Library for fast Mapping and Access
RoundCornered ProgressBar using PictureBox
RoundCornered ProgressBar using PictureBox
Allows to create rounded cornered view giving control over the corner radius. A container that can contain any ContentView or a subclass of it while controlling the corner radius to cut off unwanted area.
Extension that adds rounded corners to views in Xamarin.iOS apps.
RoundedFrame for UWP.
Rounded ImageView for Xamarin.Android
This package has been deprecated. Please use roundhouse.refreshdatabase.fnh instead.
A round-robin tournament (or all-play-all tournament) is a competition in which each contestant meets all other contestants in turn. This library contains an algorithm for building competitors pairs for every round in a tournament. Can be used for scheduling tournaments in chess, checker...
RollbarSharp log4net appender.
Dependancy Injection
Console Helper
A port of Chance.js
RoutePlanner Library for the ecnf project from Lukas Klier
This is a test. Do not download.
.Net Core Api & Mvc .NET Core command-line (CLI) tool to generate Route source files.
A framework used to simplify logging using Log4Net
Route4me SDK library for using the Route4me API.