Top 20 NuGet Packages

Extensions for Silverlight comboboxes to implement loading ComboBox contents asynchronously, cascading ComboBoxes, and using ComboBoxes for Entity associtations.
Community contributed tools for WCF RIA Services
Model classes and interfaces for Rib.Common
Ribbon controls for Microsoft SharePoint 2016
Ribbon Controls Library
Ribbon view is a tab view with a underline below the selected item. The un-selected items are dimmed to highlight the selected item.
Package Description
Wrapper class for Ribcl
RIC's Media Wrapper
A Configuration Provider for .NET 6+ and .NET Standard 2.0 Applications
Bibliotecas para o OiPontos
Ricardo package description.
Package Description
Package Description
Programming language library for .NET applications. This package is for Any CPU.
Programming language library for .NET applications. This package is for x64.
Programming language library for .NET applications. This package is for x86.
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