Top 20 NuGet Packages

Package Description
Microservice Communucation Using RabbitMQ
This package is written to automatically migrate pending migrations. It was written for use especially when deploying in a docker environment. It has support for serilog and microsoft loggers.
Out the of box, easy to use implementation of Redis distributed caching for Web APIs.
Use primeiramente o método (ConfigurarResoluçãoDoMonitor) passando a tela inicial (this) para ler as informações da resolução do monitor, feito isso, use o método (RedimensionarControles) passando o Grid pai para redimensionar
The redirection module.
This library contains a custom 404 handler for your EPiServer project. It will replace the default 404 handler with one that you can change, in order for it to have a more consistent look with the rest of your site. It will also handle more 404 cases than the built-in handler. It also includes a Cus...
Package Description
Simple redirect plugin
it is all about redis cache.
A very useful library for locating Redis services
Basic client for Redis
operate redis use c# language
Redis 高性能扩展必备插件
Redis pub/sub messaging
.NET 4.0 thread-safe asynchronous Redis client. Supports pipelining, Redis channels, has built-in serializer and clients pool. Can be used along with async/await pattern.
Allow Redis Cache storage with encryption
This client library is a powerful tool for Azure Redis Cache services. This tool allows to easy set/get to cache service with using only one line of code. If you have any questions or need improvement feel free to contact me: [email protected] Sample code: // init RedisCacheQuick redis = ne...
Package Description
Package Description