Top 20 NuGet Packages

miniprofiler storage that publishes traces to aws xray
miniprofiler module to track entityframeworkcore compatible with xray
Package Description
This is library that wraps Rdev function that help to simplify database interactions,mapping database column with single/list model,upload files original/thumbnail image , Encrypt/Decrypt a string.
An easy to use but powerful and flexible way to add HATEOAS support to an arbitrary API.
Based on
librdkafka build package - Darwin
librdkafka build package - Linux
librdkafka build package - Windows
RDKit c sharp wrapper for Ubuntu 18_04. Supports ubuntu.18.04-x64 only. Compiled using dotnet core 2.2.402 RDKit branch 2019_09 Does not include PropertyPickleOptions (wrapper broken for this class) Requires apt-get install build-essential libboost-all-dev libz-dev libbz2-dev
RDLCPrinter is a library for RDLC LocalReport. You can use by exemple with SQL Server dataset. With RDLCPrinter, you can export report. A Powerfull WPF Preview control it's also include. RDLCPrinter, This powerful class encapsulates a LocalReport with a lot of functionnality (ex: export to pdf, p...
The RDLC Report runner is a very simple library that allows users to pass an rdlc report, a data file and reports parameters and then generate a report. Optionally the report can be exported to the local file system
This is a helper class for RDotNet project
Package for generating RDP strings than can be save to file.
RemoteApps web page parser.