Top 20 NuGet Packages
A package of functions to supplement System.Reflections.
System.Windows.Media.Color utilities
Some useful WPF controls
A package classes (converters) to use in WPF applications.
Package Description
Code analyzer with custom stylecop and fxcop rules
Core functionalities that will be used in all systems developed by Quantic Ignition.
Provides common data access for .NET applications.
Provides common data access for .NET applications.
Data Access functionalities that will be used in all systems developed by Quantic Ignition.
Provides utilities, helpers, and extensions for WPF application development.
Qi4CS Extension: Configuration is an extension of Qi4CS.Core that provides basic API for assembling composites that can be deserialized and serialized by ConfigurationManager, which is also provided by this extension. The configuration composites may have their location specified at assembling time ...
Qi4CS Extension: Configuration (XML) is an extension of Qi4CS.Core that further augments Qi4CS.Extensions.Configuration by adding customizable XML (de)serialization support for configuration composites.
Qiang Wu Test LoggerProject