Top 20 NuGet Packages
Package Description
Commands for PowerShell-CMD Interop
PSD loader for .NET written entirely in managed C#
Package description
Package Description
Package description
Build layer and layer group tree fron psd file.
Correspond to the layer name of Japanese.
photoshop file parser for .net
CQRS Framework
The Pseudo Live SDK is a clone of Live SDK, supports WPF, Windows.Forms, and Console Application.
PseudoBank is a great way to simulate monetary transactions across distributed systems. Think of a free database that only holds your private account's transactions. You can create a new account, add transactions, get your balance, list your transactions and reset/delete your account if desired. Enj...
Package Description
Converts the resx files in the project to pseudo-loc resx file. lcid and lang name, eg : qps-ploc and 0501
Utility to generate pseudo random text from a source document.
execute processes remotely
Custom Analyzers for UI and Client APIs
Package Description