Top 20 NuGet Packages

Component Parameterisation for C#
An imageView can auto scroll with device rotating.
Core library for Parcs.NET - Parallel distrubuted system for .NET.
Library for DTO used by Parcs HostServer and Web API
A component for creating and verifying payment links.
Write Skip, Take, Distinct, ToList, ToHashSet, ToDictionary, etc. fluently in LINQ statement without extra parentheses.
Version 4.0.0 netstandard2.0. Depends on LibTestCM1 1.1.0 that depends on Newtonsoft.json 9.0. Include Assets and Private assets - default (nothing set)
Include LibTestCM1 Version 3.0.0
Makes it easy to parent a process and obtain a Window handle in some situations where Process does not find a main window - tested with Electron
A simple REST client for .NET
Package Description
Combine and compress your Css files according to Paris style that it's called Paristyle.
The library what combines and compresses your Css files according to Paris style that it's called Paristyle.
PAckage Contain class to get full name