Top 20 NuGet Packages

Lanza el mantenimiento de las tablas e indices en Oracle.
Oracle.Web version 11.2.4 32 bits assembly
Oracle Data Provide for .Net specific version
Simple Oracle Database connector for Microsoft .NET Core based on official Oracle Data Provider for .NET (ODP.NET) Core.
This is a tiny library with which you can extend OracleClient. Easy way to get Entities, ExpandoObjects and much more.
Oracle Connect can be used to retrieve data from tables no need to worry about connections and other things
Oracle Connect core can be used to retrieve data from tables no need to worry about connections and other things
Unmanaged 64bit 19.1 Oracle DataAccess Provider. Contains Oracle.DataAccess.dll(4.19.1). By referencing this library, the project builds successfuly. To run unmanaged the project, Oracle client is needed. Reference "OracleDataAccess.Unmanaged.Client" package to the project to run without installing ...
Read data from database using Oracle
Package Description
Some description of the package goes here
The Oraklu Framework