Top 20 NuGet Packages

OO.Compression with zip command for zip/unzip text or file
OO.Keyboard package with single keyboard constnst likes characters, strings, and digits and eventually siynonyms used in every constants definitions (like empty, underscore for instance)
OO.Processing package taht execute the batch command (dos, powershell, bash, etc...) in the current OS by the passed parameters
Behavioral OO modeling and collaboration business framework.
Object Oriented CSS allows you to write fast, maintainable, standards-based front end code. It adds much needed predictability to CSS so that even beginners can participate in writing beautiful websites. Object Oriented CSS is a different way of approaching CSS and the cascade. It draws on tradition...
Version package per semantic version specification. This is a fork of I'm planning to merge my changes back to the original repo when I'm done. While I'm working on my changes, I'm publishing them to my own NuGet package to test them.
Version package per semantic version specification. This is a fork of I'm planning to merge my changes back to the original repo when I'm done. While I'm working on my changes, I'm publishing them to my own NuGet package to test them.
A more up-to-date version of
Finite Element Analysis
ASP.NET Identity for DocumentDB using Oogi.
Package Description
Fluent migrator runner tool