Top 20 NuGet Packages

Convert Markdown files to HTML from the command-line
Markdown XAML processor
Markdown builder for .NET Core.
MarkdownCodeEmbed is a dotnet tool designed to embed source files into Markdown files. Full documentation is available here:
Parses and renders Markdown to Html and Xaml
A simple library that can be used to create MarkDown and/or HTML documents containing your C# shaped data structures. It supports: - Headers (titles, sections...) - Paragraphs - Tables - Lists (numbers, characters, roman numbers) - Templates (still WIP)
Some Classes With String Extensions For Easy Creating And Formatting Markdown Documents.
Converts strings that are formatted with Markdown syntax to WPF FlowDocument
Generate html from markdown files support local md resolution and css
MarkdownPages allows a site to serve text files written in markdown as HTML, using the extensibility points that are built into the ASP.NET WebPages framework. Installing this in a site will “turn on” the ASP.NET WebPages pipeline. This is based on the framework that the N...
Fork of MarkdownSharp, adjusted for use as a portable class library (PCL).
UWP Package of MarkDownSharp, including latest patches and using compiled regex. Open source C# implementation of Markdown processor, as featured on Stack Overflow. NOTE: this package is not maintained by the project developers, I've simply made it available on NuGet.
MarkdownSharp is a Markdown library to transform Markdown to HTML.
Convert text from MarkDown to HTML considering GitHub Code Blocks
A Simple string matcher builder for Unity (works also on normal c# projects).