Top 20 NuGet Packages

Base MapGuide API components. Contains the Foundation, Geometry and PlatformBase parts of the MapGuide API Supported Platforms: - .NET Framework 4.0 and above
Base MapGuide API components. Contains the Foundation, Geometry and PlatformBase parts of the MapGuide API Supported Platforms: - .NET Framework 4.0 and above
MapHive provides some abstractions (mainly standardised 'base' objects) for easy crud like apps stubbing aimed at working with pgsql initially
MapHive specific wrapper around Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity
MapHive specific wrapper around IdentityServer 4
MapiEx is a Extended Mapi wrapper for c#.
Library to make mapping entity framework core entities more composable
Map platform toolkits.Include Baidu Cloud map, QQ mapand GD map.
Auditlog: Application Module
Auditlog: AppService Module
Auditlog: Common Module
Auditlog: Domain Module