Top 20 NuGet Packages

Package Description
This library contains the DgmlTestModel class which you can use to execute a DGML test model. The execution state is writen to a named pipe so that the DGML Test Monitor VSIX package can animate the progress during test execution.
A simper simple socket library consisting of SmartSocketServer and SmartSocketClient.
Helper class for mouse, keyboard and screen controls
Common classes required for all components of the Diagnostics Toolkit.
Common classes required for all components of the Diagnostics Toolkit.
A log harvester to be used in ASP.NET applications.
A log harvester to be used in ASP.NET MVC applications.
A log harvester to be used in ASP.NET WebAPI applications.
A log harvester to be used in log4net tracing.
A log harvester to be used with NLog.
A log harvester to be used in System.Diagnostics tracing.
Common components for all log store engines in the Diagnostics Kit.
Windows low level keyboard hooking component