Top 20 NuGet Packages

Impersonar aplicaciones.
Impersonate users.
Common helper and utility classes
Prototype of Elm inspired immutable MVVM library for Wpf
Tesseract V1.0
Provides some helper clesses like XML serialization helpers, JSON XML reader, JSON pull-parser, ECMA-style promises, lightweight synchonization routines Signal and SharedLock, Trace helpers on top of System.Diagnostics, ObjectPool etc.
Simple telemetry for .NET applications
Half is not fast enough and precision is also very bad, so is should not be used for mathematical computation (use `Single` instead). The main advantage of Half type is lower memory cost: two bytes per number. Half is typically used in graphical applications.
Easy way to parse QueryString and Forms variable or all other NameValueCollection. This is Extension Methods for NameValueCollection and provides single .cs file. Support .NET 3.5(VS2008) and VS2010 or above.
Package Description
Package Description
Import and Export Excel
Automatically imports Directory.Build.props / Directory.Build.targets
Package Description
Package Description