WebAPIDataGrid NuGet Package

A data grid to display the data retrieved from webapi or a rest service.

The grid will display data for any entity.You just need to call the GetValues method on html table as:

$("tblEmployees").GetValues(({ URL: "/api/values1/",IdColumn: "RollNo"}); .URL is the URL of the REST service.IdColumn is the column that uniquely identifies an entity

To use the grid and display the data on a page

1.include the follwing js and css in the web page

script src="../Scripts/WebGrid.js" type="text/javascript"

link href="../Content/GridStyle.css" rel="stylesheet"

Grid control also uses jquery ,so also reference the jquery library on the page.

2.Declare html table on the page

3.Call the GetValues method on the declared table


URL: "/api/ControllerName/",

IdColumn: "NameofPrimaryKeyColumn"

4.Add the following attribute to the Controller class

WebGrid.PagingAttribute(EntityId = "AnyIdentifier", PageSize = SizeOfPage, EntityType = typeof(TypeOfEntity)

5.Derive the controller class from the CustomController class.

You can also sort the displayed data by clicking the grid column headers.

Got any WebAPIDataGrid Question?


Version: 1.4.3
Author(s): Ashish Shukla
Last Update: Friday, April 28, 2017
.NET Fiddle: Create the first Fiddle
Project Url: http://www.codecompiled.com/grid-control-webapi/
NuGet Url: https://www.nuget.org/packages/WebAPIDataGrid

Install-Package WebAPIDataGrid
dotnet add package WebAPIDataGrid
paket add WebAPIDataGrid
WebAPIDataGrid Download (Unzip the "nupkg" after downloading)






