Extension for Vurbis Punchout NuGet Package

Vurbis Punchout Extension for Episerver
* Installation
- Install the Nuget Package (or copy the one .dll)
- Create an admin account in episerver.
* Configuration (usually handled by Vurbis Interactive after providing shop url and admin account)
You'll need an account with Vurbis Interactive
- Login at https://beta.vurbismarketplace.com/login
- Click on `Settings` on left menu to expand it.
- Click on your organization name just under it.
- Click on `Modules` on the right horizontal menu
- Click on `Punchout` Tab
- Enter the shop url
- Enter the Episerver Admin account
- Click on `Save`
- Click on `Configure`
* Usage
In a production env you need a buyer procurement system like Ariba.
Testing can be done using the Roundrip tool
- Click on `Organizations` on left menu.
- Select or create a new organization
- Click on `Details` under `Actions`
- Click on `Punchout` tab.
- Click on `Test Roundtrip` on Profile 1
The setup url looks like: https://episervertest.test/punchout/apirequest/some_connection_id
- After that you'll be redirected to the shop and logged in
- When you checkout, click on 'punchout' button which will take back the order to the marketplace.

Got any Extension for Vurbis Punchout Question?


Version: 1.0.4
Author(s): Oussama Gammoudi
Last Update: Sunday, February 21, 2021
.NET Fiddle: Create the first Fiddle
Project Url: https://vurbis.com/
NuGet Url: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Vurbis.Punchout.Episerver

Install-Package Vurbis.Punchout.Episerver
dotnet add package Vurbis.Punchout.Episerver
paket add Vurbis.Punchout.Episerver
Vurbis.Punchout.Episerver Download (Unzip the "nupkg" after downloading)






