SQLite3-vc140-static-32_64 NuGet Package

SQLite is an in-process library that implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine.

The code for SQLite is in the public domain and is thus free for use for any purpose, commercial or private. SQLite is the most widely deployed database in the world with more applications than we can count, including several high-profile projects.

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Version: 1.0.0
Author(s): D. Richard Hipp Hwaci, Applied Software Research
Last Update: Tuesday, April 11, 2017
.NET Fiddle: Create the first Fiddle
Project Url: https://www.sqlite.org/index.html
NuGet Url: https://www.nuget.org/packages/SQLite3-vc140-static-32_64

Install-Package SQLite3-vc140-static-32_64
dotnet add package SQLite3-vc140-static-32_64
paket add SQLite3-vc140-static-32_64
SQLite3-vc140-static-32_64 Download (Unzip the "nupkg" after downloading)
