Rainbow.CSharp.SDK NuGet Package

This SDK allows to connect your application to Rainbow for bringing one-to-one chat and group chat using messages and files.

It's also possible to edit, delete rand reply to specific messages. A file storage is also available to manage files already shared and know your file quota.

If your account is connected to a PBX, you can also:
- Make call, take call, deflect call, hold call, transfer call and create conference call
- Configure nomadic status and call transfer
- Get and manage call logs
- Get and manage voice messages

You can manage your conference:
- Start / Join / Stop
- Lock / Unlock
- Mute / Unmute by participant or globally
- Drop participant

You can create WebRTC comunications (Peer to Peer or in Conference) using several medias: Audio, Video and Sharing

Several samples are available (https://github.com/Rainbow-CPaaS/Rainbow-CSharp-SDK-Samples) :
- Contacts
- Conversations
- Instant Messaging
- Telephony
- Conferences

To have more info about this SDK:
- Getting started guide: https://developers.openrainbow.com/doc/sdk/csharp/core/lts/guides/001_getting_started
- What's new: https://developers.openrainbow.com/doc/sdk/csharp/core/lts/guides/CHANGELOG
- API documentation: https://developers.openrainbow.com/doc/sdk/csharp/core/lts/api/Rainbow.Application.

Got any Rainbow.CSharp.SDK Question?


Version: 3.0.0-sts.1
Author(s): Christophe Irles
Last Update: Wednesday, July 3, 2024
.NET Fiddle: Create the first Fiddle
Project Url: https://developers.openrainbow.com/doc/sdk/csharp/home
NuGet Url: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Rainbow.CSharp.SDK

Install-Package Rainbow.CSharp.SDK
dotnet add package Rainbow.CSharp.SDK
paket add Rainbow.CSharp.SDK
Rainbow.CSharp.SDK Download (Unzip the "nupkg" after downloading)

.NETStandard 2.0 netcoreapp3.1






