Lumia SensorCore SDK UWP Testing Tools NuGet Package

Lumia SensorCore SDK testing package includes sensor recorder and simulator tools.

You can use them to record and playback sensors.

If it is not feasible or even possible to work with actual SensorCore APIs when you develop your application, you can use the testing package to use recorded data or simulate your own sensor data. You may want to test certain application logic or UI with predefined data, or if you are running your application in Windows Phone emulator, actual SensorCore APIs are not available at all. In such cases, you can utilize the simulator versions of the SensorCore and SenseRecorder. Each simulated API has default data for playing back, but also accepts custom recorded data as input

All SensorCore APIs are now being deprecated.

The APIs will continue to work in existing devices, but it is not guaranteed that new devices would support SensorCore any more. Instead, you should look into Windows platform APIs for activity monitoring and step counting. They will replace SensorCore APIs and will be supported by upcoming devices. However, they will not be supported by the majority of existing devices.

Therefore, as an intermediary solution, you might want to use both APIs in your application. Unfortunately, Place Monitor and Track Point Monitor do not have equivalent OS APIs available as of yet.

We recommended that you start migrating existing apps to use Lumia SensorCore Step Counter or Activity Monitor APIs to the corresponding Windows platform APIs. We do not recommended that you use Lumia SensorCore APIs in any new apps.

Platform requirement: Lumia Windows Phone 8.1 or Lumia Windows Phone 10.

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Author(s): Microsoft
Last Update: Friday, October 9, 2015
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Install-Package LumiaSensorCoreSDKTestingUWP
dotnet add package LumiaSensorCoreSDKTestingUWP
paket add LumiaSensorCoreSDKTestingUWP
LumiaSensorCoreSDKTestingUWP Download (Unzip the "nupkg" after downloading)






