LightningChart Ultimate WPF NuGet Package

LightningChart Ultimate is the fastest 2D and 3D WPF data visualization toolkit for science and finance.

LightningChart Ultimate is entirely GPU accelerated (Direct3D) and performance optimized data visualization control for presenting masses of data in 2D XY graph, 3D XYZ, polar and 3D pie / donut views.

The chart control comes with huge set of data visualization types.

XY Graph view
• Renders huge amounts of measured data as graphs in real-time, very smoothly, up to hundreds of millions of new data points / sec.
• High refresh rate even with heavy load
• Renders vast data sets instantly
• Series types: sampled data (discrete signal), point-line, freeform point-line, areas, high-low, polygon, stock series (candle-stick), bar, band, constant line, intensity grid, intensity mesh
• Geographic maps can be combined with other XY view series and objects.
• Intensity series are perfect e.g. for environmental data over maps and thermal imaging.

Can be rendered inside selected polygons or map regions.
• Zoom, pan and rotate operations
• Built-in series tracking cursors
• Series and chart event marker indicators
• Unlimited X axes/chart, vertical position adjust
• Unlimited Y axes/chart: stacked or layered
• Different X-axis real-time monitoring scrolling modes: Scrolling, sweeping, stepping, oscilloscope style level triggered
• Automatic scale fitting, grids and divisions
• Fast scale setting with mouse, configurable zoom and pan buttons
• Logarithmic axis scales, advanced features for minimal values between 0...1
• Palette-colored line series by Y value
• Persistent layers - extremely fast rendering of thousands of repetitive line series without rising CPU load or memory footprint
• Persistent intensity layers - heat-map coloring of repetitive traces with hit-counters

3D XYZ View
• Real 3D visualization
• Series types: point-line, bar, surface mesh, surface grid, waterfall, mesh models
• Gigantic surface sizes of over 2000x2000
• Height/Toned/Point/Bitmap coloring for surfaces
• 3D rectangles with image fill
• Contour lines and wireframing for surfaces and waterfall
• Many lighting and shading options
• 3D models can be imported from CAD and modeling applications, as X-file
• Polygons, rectangles
• Perspective and orthographic 3D camera, with pre-defined setups
• Zoom, pan and rotate operations, axis range adjust by mouse
• Logarithmic axis scales, advanced features for minimal values between 0...1

Geographic maps and G.I.S.
• Vector maps
• On-line tile maps: supports street maps and satellite imagery by MapQuest/OpenStreetMaps
• World, continents, specific areas
• Dozens of maps
• Multi-layer: land, lakes, rivers, roads, cities etc.
• High/Mid/Low resolutions
• Map import from ESRI shape file data
• On-the-fly silent map layer replace/import for frequently updated SHP data
• Polygon and vector based objects
• Background images setting from satellite photos
• Fast rendering
• Mouse interactive objects
• Several fill and style options: individual or common layer based
• Many coordinate formats
• Border points and other data can be accessed from objects
• Digital elevation model (DEM) data can be presented with IntensityGrid (ViewXY) or IntensityGrid3D (View3D) series, with contour lines
• 3D models can placed in View3D

Polar view
• Series types: area, point-line
• Several amplitude and angle axes
• Sectors
• Markers

3D pies / donuts
• Freely rotatable 3D visualization
• Pie and donut styles
• Dimension adjustment
• Exploded slices
• Mouse interactive
• Predefined lighting schemes.

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Version: 6.5.8
Author(s): Arction Ltd
Last Update: Thursday, March 3, 2016
.NET Fiddle: Create the first Fiddle
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Install-Package LightningChartUltimateWPF
dotnet add package LightningChartUltimateWPF
paket add LightningChartUltimateWPF
LightningChartUltimateWPF Download (Unzip the "nupkg" after downloading)






