HiQPdf Library for .NET Core NuGet Package

HiQPdf Library for .NET Core offers you a modern, simple, fast, flexible and powerful tool to create complex and stylish PDF documents in .NET Core applications with just a few lines of C# code.

This library is compatible with .NET Core and .NET Standard for Windows 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64) operating systems.

The NuGet package optimized for x64 is HiQPdf.NetCore.x64 .

The NuGet packages for .NET Framework are HiQPdf and HiQPdf.x64 .

For Linux, MacOS, Azure App Service, Xamarin, UWP or any other platform for .NET you can use the multi-platform HiQPdf.Client NuGet package.

HiQPdf Library for .NET Core was built to target the .NET Standard 2.0 and its compatibility list includes:

* .NET Core 8, 7, 6, 5, .NET Standard 2.0 , .NET Framework 4.6.2 and the later versions
* Windows 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64) operating systems
* Azure Cloud Services, Azure Virtual Machines
* Web, Desktop and Console applications for .NET

HiQPdf Library for .NET offers you the fastest and the most precise HTML to PDF conversion technology. You can convert HTML with CSS3, JavaScript, SVG or Web Fonts to PDF preserving the exact content and style.

Library Features:

* HTML to PDF to quickly create PDF documents from HTML
* HTML to Image to take snapshots of web pages
* HTML to SVG to create high quality vector images from HTML
* PDF to Image to rasterize PDF document pages to images
* PDF to HTML to create HTML documents from PDF pages
* PDF to Text to extract text from PDF documents
* Search text in PDF documents
* Extract images from PDF documents
* Create PDF documents with text, HTML, SVG, images and graphics
* Create encrypted, password protected, digitally signed PDF documents
* Create PDF documents with forms, text notes, links, JavaScript actions
* Merge multiple PDF documents into a single one
* Stamp PDF with HTML, text and images.

Got any HiQPdf Library for .NET Core Question?


Version: 16.0.0
Author(s): HiQPdf Software
Last Update: Wednesday, November 6, 2024
.NET Fiddle: Create the first Fiddle
Project Url: http://www.hiqpdf.com/
NuGet Url: https://www.nuget.org/packages/HiQPdf_NetCore

Install-Package HiQPdf_NetCore
dotnet add package HiQPdf_NetCore
paket add HiQPdf_NetCore
HiQPdf_NetCore Download (Unzip the "nupkg" after downloading)






