Hallmanac.Funqy.CSharp_Net45 NuGet Package

Breaking Changes in 2.0.0 -- This package will be deprecated in favor of the "Hallmanac.Funqy.CSharp" NuGet package.

See release notes below.

A small library to allow writing C# in a more functional style. This is for the .NET Standard compatibility. There is another NuGet version of this library for the full .NET Framework 4.5. Visit https://github.com/Hallmanac/Funqy-CSharp for more detailed information.

1.0.0 -- Initial release of library after 8 months of internal use on several projects.

1.0.1 -- Added missing XML documentation comments and added additional check for string null or empty on the HasValue property inside FunqResult.

2.0.0 -- Breaking changes in the form of renaming the namespace.

This NuGet package is now being deprecated in favor of combining both NET Standard and NET 4.5 into one NuGet package. This package already exists as "Hallmanac.Funqy.CSharp" Go Get it! :-).

Got any Hallmanac.Funqy.CSharp_Net45 Question?


Version: 2.0.0
Author(s): Brian Hall
Last Update: Monday, August 7, 2017
.NET Fiddle: Create the first Fiddle
Project Url: https://github.com/Hallmanac/Funqy-CSharp
NuGet Url: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Hallmanac.Funqy.CSharp_Net45

Install-Package Hallmanac.Funqy.CSharp_Net45
dotnet add package Hallmanac.Funqy.CSharp_Net45
paket add Hallmanac.Funqy.CSharp_Net45
Hallmanac.Funqy.CSharp_Net45 Download (Unzip the "nupkg" after downloading)

1 package depend on this package.





