Version: | 1.3.0 |
Author(s): | Peter Broekhuizen |
Last Update: | Wednesday, April 17, 2019 |
.NET Fiddle: | Create the first Fiddle |
NuGet Url: | |
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paket add GitGetter.Interfaces
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1) IGitGetter (uses IErrorReporter, see below)
Consists of:
- (DateTime date, string branch)[] BranchesByLastCommitDate(string projectPath, IErrorReporter reporter);
- string[] MergedBranches(string branch, IEnumerable<string> branches, string projectPath, IErrorReporter reporter);
- string[] NotMergedBranches(string branch, IEnumerable<string> branches, string projectPath, IErrorReporter reporter);
- void Refresh(string projectPath, IErrorReporter reporter);
- string[] RemoteBranches(string projectPath, IErrorReporter reporter);
2) IErrorReporter
Consists of:
- void ClearError();
- bool HasError();
- void ShowError(string msg);.