Microsoft Expression Blend 3 SDK NuGet Package

Microsoft Expression Blend 3 introduces behaviors, which are reusable pieces of packaged code that can be dragged onto any object, and then fine-tuned by changing their properties.

Behaviors allow you to add interactivity to your applications without having to write any code. The Behavior API consists of three core classes: Trigger, Action and Behavior. This SDK explores how to write each of these components, and contains a few code samples to help you get started. Programming reference topics are provided for both Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and Microsoft Silverlight.

For more how-to and overview information about behaviors in Expression Blend, see the Expression Blend User Guide, available when you install Expression Blend 3 + SketchFlow.

The Expression Blend 3 SDK also contains the following redistributable components:
SketchFlow Player
Custom VSM for Fluid Layout
Font Embedding enhancements
The Expression Blend 3 SDK is required to view an Expression Blend 3 project that uses any of these components if Expression Blend 3 is not installed.

Got any Microsoft Expression Blend 3 SDK Question?


Version: 1.0.1340.1
Author(s): Microsoft
Last Update: Monday, January 12, 2015
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NuGet Url:

Install-Package Expression.Blend.Sdk3
dotnet add package Expression.Blend.Sdk3
paket add Expression.Blend.Sdk3
Expression.Blend.Sdk3 Download (Unzip the "nupkg" after downloading)

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