Excel-DNA Add-in Integration Testing NuGet Package

'ExcelDna.Testing' is a NuGet package and library that lets you develop automatic tests for Excel models and add-ins, including add-ins developed with Excel-DNA and VBA.

Test code is written in C# or Visual Basic and is hosted by the popular xUnit test framework, allowing automated tests to run from Visual Stuio or other standard test runners.

Tests developed with the testing helper will run with the add-in loaded inside an Excel instance, and so allow you to test the interaction between an add-in and a real instance of Excel. This type of 'integration testing' can augment 'unit testing' where individual library features are tested in isolation.

It is often in the interaction with Excel where the problematic aspects of an add-in are revealed, and developing automated testing for this environment has been difficult.

The testing helper allows flexibility and power in designing automated Excel tests:
* The test code can either run in a separate process that drives Excel through the COM object model, or can be loaded inside the Excel process itself, allowing use of both the COM object model and the C API from the test code.
* Functions, macros and even ribbon commands can be tested.
* Test projects can include pre-populated test workbooks containing spreadsheet models to test or test data.

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Version: 1.9.0-beta1
Author(s): Excel-DNA Developers
Last Update: Sunday, February 2, 2025
.NET Fiddle: Create the first Fiddle
Project Url: http://excel-dna.net/
NuGet Url: https://www.nuget.org/packages/ExcelDna.Testing

Install-Package ExcelDna.Testing
dotnet add package ExcelDna.Testing
paket add ExcelDna.Testing
ExcelDna.Testing Download (Unzip the "nupkg" after downloading)






