Evolution Developer NuGet Package

Evolution allows companies to integrate applications on a global scale without complex infrastructure or software.

It enables developers to rapidly and cost-effectively transition existing Windows desktop applications to a service or API-based model. Whether you are an independent software vendor transitioning to SaaS or corporate IT unifying your development efforts, implementing with an API-based model gives existing applications the ability to seamlessly integrate even if built with different programming languages.

With Evolution, developers can create an API to expose the business rules developed in one language, such as DataFlex or C#, and have it available to be consumed by other languages via multiple protocols.

The Evolution framework allows Windows developers to:
- Build an API using many development languages (C#, Java, DataFlex, VB, etc)
- Expose the API via HTTP or TCP/IP socket using multiple protocols (SOAP, JSON-RPC, Thrift binary, Thrift compact)
- Deliver mobile, Web, or desktop application solutions
- Serve the application with a web server (Apache or IIS) or standalone.

Got any Evolution Developer Question?


Version: 1.1.6948.1
Author(s): Mertech Data Systems Inc
Last Update: Tuesday, September 29, 2015
.NET Fiddle: Create the first Fiddle
Project Url: https://www.mertechdata.com/evolution/
NuGet Url: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Evolution.Developer

Install-Package Evolution.Developer
dotnet add package Evolution.Developer
paket add Evolution.Developer
Evolution.Developer Download (Unzip the "nupkg" after downloading)






