EventFlow.EventStores.EventStore NuGet Package

# EventFlow

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NuGet feeds

- Official releases: https://www.nuget.org/packages/EventFlow/

- Builds: https://ci.appveyor.com/nuget/eventflow

EventFlow is a basic CQRS+ES framework designed to be easy to use.

Have a look at our [getting started guide](https://docs.geteventflow.net/GettingStarted.html),

the [do’s and don’ts](https://docs.geteventflow.net/DosAndDonts.html) and the


### Features

* **CQRS+ES framework**

* **Async/await first:** Every part of EventFlow is written using async/await.

* **Highly configurable and extendable**

* **Easy to use**

* **No use of threads or background workers**

* **Cancellation:** All methods that does IO work or might delay execution (due to

retries), takes a `CancellationToken` argument to allow you to cancel the operation

### Examples

* **[Complete](#complete-example):** Shows a complete example on how to use

EventFlow with in-memory event store and read models in a relatively few lines

of code

* **Shipping:** To get a more complete example of how EventFlow _could_ be used,

have a look at the shipping example found here in the code base.

The example

is based on the shipping example from the book Domain-Driven Design -

Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software by Eric Evans. Its

_in-progress_, but should provide inspiration on how to use EventFlow on a

larger scale.

If you have ideas and/or comments, create a pull request or

an issue.

Got any EventFlow.EventStores.EventStore Question?


Version: 0.84.4
Author(s): Rasmus Mikkelsen
Last Update: Saturday, November 16, 2024
.NET Fiddle: Create the first Fiddle
Project Url: https://docs.geteventflow.net/
NuGet Url: https://www.nuget.org/packages/EventFlow.EventStores.EventStore

Install-Package EventFlow.EventStores.EventStore
dotnet add package EventFlow.EventStores.EventStore
paket add EventFlow.EventStores.EventStore
EventFlow.EventStores.EventStore Download (Unzip the "nupkg" after downloading)

.NETStandard 2.0 net462






