Dot Matt Web Utils Library NuGet Package

HTML Helpers for Razor view input fields styled in Bootstrap 3 markup.

Input Textbox example:
@Html.BootstrapTextBoxFor(m => m.Firm.ContactName, "Contact name").DivWrapper("col-md-3")

Select List (Dropdown) example:
@Html.BootstrapDropDownListFor(m => m.Firm.BaseCurrency, Model.DefaultCurrencySelectList, "Currency").DivWrapper("col-md-3")

Follow "Project Site" lin... nk in sidebar for more examples and documentation and see the GitHub repo.   more

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Install-Package DotMattWebUtils
dotnet add package DotMattWebUtils
paket add DotMattWebUtils
DotMattWebUtils Download (Unzip the "nupkg" after downloading)
