Constellation.Foundation.PageNotFound NuGet Package

Requires Sitecore 10.3
Requires .NET Framework 4.8

Constellation is a collection of utilities for the Sitecore .NET CMS.
The Foundation.PageNotFound library provides unique Sitecore-hosted "not found" pages with the correct 404 Http Response for each site in your installation.


Add this NuGet package to your Sitecore solution
2. Build and Deploy your solution to a target environment

Package Includes:

Custom Site Attribute: notFoundPageID

This attribute should be set to the ID of the Item to use for presenting 404 Response Status messages to the visitor.
Each site requires its own 404 page Item.

HttpRequestBegin Pipeline Processor: Page Not Found Resolver

Assuming the site is configured with the ID of the "not found page" this processor will resolve the context item
to that specific item if the context item is currently null.

This processor must run after all Site, Database, Language, and Item resolvers, but before Device and Layout resolvers.
The supplied patch:before is a safe bet, but may need to be changed depending on your solution.

Please note that this processor will only run for databases and sites as configured, and should intentionally not
run for Sitecore system sites.

HttpRequestEnd Pipeline Processor: Set404StatusCode

Assuming the site is configured with the ID of the "not found page" this processor will detect that the context item
is the 404 page and will add the 404 code to the Response.

Please note that the customizations in this processor will only run for databases and sites as configured, and should intentionally not
run for Sitecore system sites.

Got any Constellation.Foundation.PageNotFound Question?


Author(s): Richard J. Cabral
Last Update: Tuesday, December 19, 2023
.NET Fiddle: Create the first Fiddle
Project Url:
NuGet Url:

Install-Package Constellation.Foundation.PageNotFound
dotnet add package Constellation.Foundation.PageNotFound
paket add Constellation.Foundation.PageNotFound
Constellation.Foundation.PageNotFound Download (Unzip the "nupkg" after downloading)






