ConEmu.Core NuGet Package

ConEmu-Maximus5 (short for Console Emulator) is a handy and full featured Windows console window (local terminal) with a lot of enhancements: panes, tabs, tasks, jump lists, quake style, handy text and block selection, handy paste of paths in either Unix or Windows notation, and much more.

ConEmu.Core package contains only essential files - no extras, no Far Manager plugins, no documentation.

Full distro and docs are available on the project site.

ConEmu may work as either standalone window, or embeddable console control. And it may host two types of applications:
* ‘console’: cmd, powershell, Far Manager, bash, and many others;
* ‘graphical’ (GUI): Notepad, PuTTY, GVim, mintty and so on.

Short list of features:
* predefined and user-defined tasks for different shells;
* user friendly text and block selection and paste;
* smooth and friendly window resizing;
* Windows 7 Jump Lists and Progress on Taskbar buttons;
* DosBox integration: run old DOS applications (games) in modern OS;
* quake-style and full screen window modes;
* ANSI sequences and Xterm 256 colors;
* cursor: standard console (horizontal) or GUI (vertical);
* customizable starting tabs;
* Far Manager integration: drag-n-drop, tabs, truecolor, thumbnails;
* unicode and CJK support;
* explore much more features on the project site.

Got any ConEmu.Core Question?


Version: 23.7.24
Author(s): Maximus5
Last Update: Sunday, July 23, 2023
.NET Fiddle: Create the first Fiddle
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dotnet add package ConEmu.Core
paket add ConEmu.Core
ConEmu.Core Download (Unzip the "nupkg" after downloading)

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