CodingCoder.Data NuGet Package

It extends the IDataReader to make it easy to read data from database.

It added default value , trim option when read string, read int, read bool. And also add Nullable<DateTime>, Nullable<int>, Nullable<bool> Nullable<decimal>
public static string ReadString(this IDataReader reader, string fieldName, bool trimmed)
public static string ReadString(this IDataReader reader, string fieldName, string nullValue)
public static string ReadString(this IDataReader reader, string fieldName)
public static string ReadString(this IDataReader reader, string fieldName, string nullValue, bool trimmed)
public static bool ReadBool(this IDataReader reader, string fieldName)
private static bool ReadSafeBool(IDataReader reader, int fieldIndex)
public static bool ReadBool(this IDataReader reader, string fieldName, bool nullValue)
public static bool ReadBool(this IDataReader reader, string fieldName, BooleanRepresentation representation, bool nullValue)
public static DateTime ReadDate(this IDataReader reader, string fieldName)
public static DateTime ReadDate(this IDataReader reader, string fieldName, DateTime nullValue)
public static int ReadInt(this IDataReader reader, string fieldName, int defaultValue)
public static int ReadInt(this IDataReader reader, string fieldName)
public static short ReadShort(this IDataReader reader, string fieldName, short defaultValue)
public static short ReadShort(this IDataReader reader, string fieldName)
public static decimal ReadDecimal(this IDataReader reader, string fieldName)
public static decimal ReadDecimal(this IDataReader reader, string fieldName, decimal defaultValue)
public static long ReadLong(this IDataReader reader, string fieldName, long defaultValue)
public static Guid ReadGuid(this IDataReader reader, string fieldName)
public static Nullable<int> ReadNullableInt(this IDataReader reader, string fieldName)
public static Nullable<DateTime> ReadNullableDate(this IDataReader reader, string fieldName)
public static decimal? ReadNullableDecimal(this IDataReader reader, string fieldName)

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Version: 1.0.0
Author(s): CodingCoder
Last Update: Friday, December 11, 2015
.NET Fiddle: Create the first Fiddle
Project Url: http://project_url_here_or_delete_this_line/
NuGet Url:

Install-Package CodingCoder.Data
dotnet add package CodingCoder.Data
paket add CodingCoder.Data
CodingCoder.Data Download (Unzip the "nupkg" after downloading)






