CSF.Zpt.Log4net - logging and diagnostics for ZPT-Sharp NuGet Package

This is an optional add-on to ZPT-Sharp which provides detailled logging and diagnostics information about the internal ZPT rendering process.

Log4net is used as the underlying logging engine.

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Version: 1.1.0
Author(s): CSF Software Ltd
Last Update: Thursday, June 28, 2018
.NET Fiddle: Create the first Fiddle
Project Url: http://csf-dev.github.io/ZPT-Sharp/
NuGet Url: https://www.nuget.org/packages/CSF.Zpt.Log4net

Install-Package CSF.Zpt.Log4net
dotnet add package CSF.Zpt.Log4net
paket add CSF.Zpt.Log4net
CSF.Zpt.Log4net Download (Unzip the "nupkg" after downloading)
