ArcGIS.PCL NuGet Package

ArcGIS.PCL can be used to call ArcGIS Server resources, including those from Portal for ArcGIS and ArcGIS Online.

The resources can be secure or unsecure and the ArcGIS Online token service and OAuth token service are supported.

Supports the following as typed operations:

> CheckGenerateToken - create a token automatically via an ITokenProvider
> Query<T> - query a layer by attribute and / or spatial filters
> QueryForCount - only return the number of results for the query operation
> QueryForIds - only return the ObjectIds for the results of the query operation
> Find - search across n layers and fields in a service
> ApplyEdits<T> - post adds, updates and deletes to a feature service layer
> Geocode - single line of input to perform a geocode using a custom locator or the Esri world locator
> Suggest - lightweight geocode operation that only returns text results, commonly used for predictive searching
> ReverseGeocode - find location candidates for an input point location
> Simplify<T> - alter geometries to be topologically consistent
> Project<T> - convert geometries to a different spatial reference
> Buffer<T> - buffers geometries by the distance requested
> DescribeSite - returns a url for every service discovered, for ArcGISOnline or Portal this returns the hosted feature services for a user
> Ping - verify that the server can be accessed
> Info - return the server information such as version and token authentication settings
> DescribeServices - return service information (name, sublayers etc.)
> DescribeLayer - return layer information

REST admin operations:

> PublicKey - admin operation to get public key used for encryption of token requests
> ServiceStatus - admin operation to get the configured and actual status of a service
> ServiceReport - admin operation to get the service report
> StartService - admin operation to start a service
> StopService - admin operation to stop a service

ArcGIS.PCL is a netstandard v1.3 library.

Got any ArcGIS.PCL Question?


Version: 6.0.0-beta-3
Author(s): Dave Timmins
Last Update: Thursday, March 23, 2017
.NET Fiddle: Create the first Fiddle
Project Url:
NuGet Url:

Install-Package ArcGIS.PCL
dotnet add package ArcGIS.PCL
paket add ArcGIS.PCL
ArcGIS.PCL Download (Unzip the "nupkg" after downloading)






