ABCpdf PDF Library for .NET - .NET Standard Version NuGet Package

This is the ABCpdf .NET release for .NET Standard 2 on Windows.

It is the same as the standard ABCpdf .NET with the following changes related to features that .NET Standard does not support.

• The ABCChrome HTML engine is used for all HTML rendering
• The MS Office and import modules are not available
• The RTF import module is not available
• The XpsAny import module is not available
• Export to XPS, HTML and DOCX is disabled

PDF creation and manipulation using ABCpdf - a powerful and flexible PDF component for .NET.

ABCpdf is a .NET component for PDF manipulation.

As such, you'll find it documented for C# and VB.NET, with numerous PDF code examples and freely adaptable projects, all designed to help you get up to speed.

Re-use existing skills for PDF document layout. ABCpdf supports a wide range of layout methods, including HTML and CSS, System.Drawing, PostScript, and a powerful set of native drawing commands. Import SVG, DOCX, XPS, EPS, the usual bitmap image formats such as JPEG, TIFF, PSD and many more. And because support for these formats is built-in, ABCpdf makes light work of PDF related document conversion tasks.

Import HTML and CSS pages from local or remote web sites.

Placed HTML support means your HTML can be treated just like any other media - placed wherever you like on your PDF page. Choose between the Chrome style, FireFox style and Internet Explorer style HTML rendering engines. Support for modern web pages using HTML5, CSS3, FontAwesome and similar modern web technologies. A vast range of options gives you full control over the HTML rendering process and DOM.

ABCpdf is a robust component, with probably hundreds of thousands of live installations, and almost two decades worth of support and development.

But should you ever need help our PDF expert support team are on hand.

ABCpdf is fast. ABCpdf does not use a printer driver. Instead it goes Direct to PDF™, generating PDF documents on the fly. And fully multi-threaded, ABCpdf is suitable for use with ASP.NET.

ABCpdf supports Unicode and foreign languages, CJK fonts, and right-to-left text such as Arabic and Hebrew, kerning, tracking and contextual ligatures.

ABCpdf supports sophisticated color spaces.

Mix and match RGB, CMYK, Grayscale, Lab, calibrated color spaces and spot colors. Any kind of graphic from text to lines to blocks of color can be drawn in in any of these color spaces. You can even perform complex operations like colorizing grayscale images using spot colors or converting from one color space to another.

PDF optimization and size reduction provides whole document optimization using a variety of options to reduce font sizes, remove embedded fonts, to resample and recompress images, to flatten wherever possible for the smallest possible output.

PDF analysis has been extended into easy-to-use operations for text and images. Simple on the surface but sophisticated underneath, they allow you to extract common-sense, de-hyphenated and de-ligatured text from PDFs.

Then select items of that text within the PDF and perform operations on those selections.

PDF accessibility is now something that can be supported, even for PDFs which were never designed to do so. Standards such as PDF/UA and Section 508 compliance require that PDFs be accessible. Our accessibility operation performs a sophisticated semantic analysis of the document content and adds appropriate tagging information to produce an accessible Tagged PDF output.

Download and try out ABCpdf for free. All our components include a 30-day trial.

During the trial period, ABCpdf operates as the unrestricted Professional edition.

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Version: 11.3.7
Author(s): ABCpdf Team
Last Update: Sunday, March 22, 2020
.NET Fiddle: Create the first Fiddle
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Install-Package ABCpdfStandard
dotnet add package ABCpdfStandard
paket add ABCpdfStandard
ABCpdfStandard Download (Unzip the "nupkg" after downloading)






