NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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AspNetMvc [24 dependencies]

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DotNetOpenAuth Core [24 dependencies]

This package contains shared code for other NuGet packages, and contains no public API in and of itself.
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SlowCheetah [24 dependencies]

Allows for configuration based XML transformations at build time.
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X.PagedList [24 dependencies]

Library for easily paging through any IEnumerable/IQueryable in .NET
Contains types that represent HTTP request and response headers. This library is used with classes such as System.Net.HttpWebRequest and System.Net.HttpWebResponse and allows developers to query/edit header names/values. Commonly Used Types: System.Net.HttpRequestHeader System.Net.HttpResponseHeade...
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System.Threading.Overlapped [24 dependencies]

Provides common types for interacting with asynchronous (or overlapped) input and output (I/O). Commonly Used Types: System.Threading.NativeOverlapped System.Threading.Overlapped System.Threading.IOCompletionCallback When using NuGet 3.x this package requires at least version 3.4.
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OpenCvSharp3 [24 dependencies]

OpenCV wrapper for .NET Framework
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ActiveQueryBuilder.Core [24 dependencies]

Active Query Builder 3 Core Components
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OpenMessage [24 dependencies]

OpenMessage is an easy to use abstraction for sending and receiving messages between applications.
ServiceStack is a simple and fast alternative to WCF, MVC and Web API in one cohesive framework for all your services and web apps that's intuitive and Easy to use! To get started see:
Provides container configuration and some extension methods for the Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF).
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Waher.Script [24 dependencies]

Class library that defines a script language and an object abstraction of computable elements. The library helps application parse and execute script. Script is extensible, and it is easy for modules to extend the script engine. Script can be evaluated using either synchronous or asynchronous proc...
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Waher.Networking.XMPP [24 dependencies]

Class library for communication using the XMPP protocol. Library contains both client-to-server and component-to-server communication classes. Classes can be extended freely by external modules. XMPP Extensions supported by the library by default include: XEP-0004: Data Forms XEP-0030: Service Disc...
App Metrics ASP.NET Core Endpoints provides the ability to expose metrics and environment information as web endpoints.
Provides classes related to service model syndication.
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Functional.Primitives [24 dependencies]

This package contains allocation free Option and Result discriminated union types and associated factory methods.
A validation library for .NET that uses a fluent interface to construct strongly-typed validation rules.
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OpenMod.UnityEngine.Redist [24 dependencies]

UnityEngine redistributables for OpenMod
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DCMS.Lib.Utils.Core [24 dependencies]

DCMS utils