NuGet Packages By Dependencies
Enferno Public [7 dependencies]
Enferno API helpers.
Kaliko CMS Core [7 dependencies]
Kaliko CMS is an open-source content management system. Package contains the core files for Kaliko CMS.
Please also make sure that you install a page provider (either KalikoCMS.WebForms or KalikoCMS.Mvc) and a data provider of your choice (KalikoCMS.Data.*).
You'll find information on how to get s...
OpenCV Win ImgCodecs (UWP) [7 dependencies]
Pre-built OpenCV 3.x binaries on Windows (UWP). This package contains native builds of OpenCV3 - C++ (x86, x64, arm). Note that VideoIO, and all dependent modules, require UWP Desktop extensions.
LeanCloud.Storage [7 dependencies]
The official LeanCloud .NET SDK for .NET 4.5 or later.Support Windows Classic Desktop(WinForms & WPF) & Windows Mobile & Xamarin iOS & Xamarin Android & Xamarin Forms.
RevStackCore.Extensions [7 dependencies]
.net core utilities and extension methods
GM.Utility [7 dependencies]
Library with various static classes and tools that provide universally useful functions, extensions and utilities.
Buildalyzer [7 dependencies]
A little utility to perform design-time builds of .NET projects without
having to think too hard about it. Should work with any project type on
any .NET runtime.
Relativity.API [7 dependencies]
Relativity API
Transient .NET Standard Dependencies
- System.Data.SqlClient - 4.6+
OrchardCore Media Abstractions [7 dependencies]
Orchard Core CMS is a Web Content Management System (CMS) built on top of the Orchard Core Framework.
Abstractions for Media module.
DHI.Services [7 dependencies]
Core library for DHI Domain Services.
Npgsql.NodaTime [7 dependencies]
NodaTime plugin for Npgsql, allowing mapping of PostgreSQL date/time types to NodaTime types.
KodeAid.Json [7 dependencies]
Kode-Aid shared JSON library.
Digi21.DigiNG [7 dependencies]
This package contains reference assemblies with types for developing applications with the Digi3D.NET engine.
A Digi3D.NET license is required to run applications that use the assemblies published by this package. Rent a license at or buy a license at https://...
WebApiClient.Extensions.HttpClientFactory [7 dependencies]
DocumentDbProvider [7 dependencies]
Tm.Lib.Auth.Web [7 dependencies]
Bellatrix.DynamicTestCases [7 dependencies]
Bellatrix is a cross-platform, easily customizable and extendable .NET test automation framework that increases tests’ reliability.
Neptunus.Core [7 dependencies]
ArdNet.Abstractions [7 dependencies]
ArdNet base library. Contains shared core for implementing ArdNet clients and servers.
Glader.Essentials.Models [7 dependencies]
Glader.Essentials provide basic essential .NET/C# development libraries for day-to-day development needs. The models library has common data model types, response patterns and request patterns.