NuGet Packages By Dependencies

EnergyTrading distributed cache support classes specifically for AppFabric
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DNC.Framework [1 dependencies]

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VaraniumSharp.Initiator [1 dependencies]

Ring 2 library based on VaraniumSharp. This library makes use of and extends VaraniumSharp to be a base for other (Ring 3) projects.
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LAN.Core.Logging [1 dependencies]

Extendable Logging Abstraction
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Dangl.Common [1 dependencies]

Common functionality
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PhantomNet.AspNetCore.Mvc [1 dependencies]

PhantomNet.AspNetCore.Mvc class library
Updates WorkflowMarkupSerializer to allow serialization of rule sets in .NetStandard projects.
URI Template based Arachnid router
A library for implementing Pact provider tests
An easy control for creating circle's in a Xamarin.Forms project.
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Rey.Data [1 dependencies]

Package Description
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DCoolWeb.Cache [1 dependencies]

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X.FileSaver [1 dependencies]

Volo.Abp 模块 用于处理文件 以管道的方式
This package adds EMail and EMailVerified to CK.tUserGoogle table.
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YoYo.Mono.Ceil.Extensions [1 dependencies]

It is extented of mono.ceil,the coding style is similar to system.type;Simplified use is simpler and has less code. It can be easily used in IL without additional type conversion.Extending and encapsulating the ILProcessor makes it easier to write IL For examples: TypeReferenceEx type = TypeRef...
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Integral.Games.Interface [1 dependencies]

Package Description
Package Description
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Hrimsoft.Core [1 dependencies]

Provides some useful exceptions, helpers and extensions
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Acorisoft.Foundation [1 dependencies]

An foundation library for acorisoft
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MaxLib.Ini [1 dependencies]

MaxLib.Ini is a small library to parse and create ini configuration files.