NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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WorkingWeek [1 dependencies]

Define a working week of shift patterns and perform date calculations on it.
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RegulusRemotingServer [1 dependencies]

tcp/ip socket
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XPlot.Plotly.WPF [1 dependencies]

XPlot is a cross-platform data visualization library that supports creating charts using Google Charts and Plotly. The library provides a composable domain specific language for building charts and specifying their properties.
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SimpleSyndicate [1 dependencies]

Common functionality for working with XML.
Source code package. A comparer for asserting equality of objects, including generic types, IEnumerable, generic IComparable and generic IEquatable.
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emFramework.Identity.App [1 dependencies]

emFramework.Identity.App is a set of utilities, functions, templates, and extension developed by ExcelliMatrix to improve the delivery of software.
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Rocket.UnityEngine [1 dependencies]

RocketMod .NET Game Server Plugin Framework UnityEngine implementations
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Utilities.Serialization [1 dependencies]

Package Description
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Amazon.CDK.AWS.WorkSpaces [1 dependencies]

The CDK Construct Library for AWS::WorkSpaces (Stability: Experimental)
net standard library that can generate a changelog based on the git history
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LJH.DO.Oracle [1 dependencies]

数据库操作扩展,提供Oracle批量插入和返回值 1. netcore升级到3.1 2、稳定版 12、补充nodejs 等操作
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XObjectsCore [1 dependencies]

This XObjectsCore library provides an API for generated code and projects that use said generated code. Use this library in shipping apps + libraries; use LinqToXsdCore to generate code. Original Authors: Microsoft Corporation.
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WaveEngine.OpenGL.Common [1 dependencies]

Wave Engine's OpenGL common implementation
Package Description
C# Library in .Net Framework
Kentico Xperience Module for the Toolkit for Kentico Compare extension: Compare extension allows you Compare any two Kentico Xperience sites. Find differences in objects, pages, database objects, files and more. This is to be installed in the Kentico Xperience Administration Project/Site.
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Alat.CommandBus [1 dependencies]

Package Description
Package Description
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Arad.Notify [1 dependencies]

Using this nuget package you can easily implement Microservice scenarios.