NuGet Packages By Dependencies
Windows API Code Pack - Core [9 dependencies]
Core library for Windows API Code Pack
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.UI.Wpf [9 dependencies]
Microsoft® Visual Studio® Editor Platform
Wosad.Common [9 dependencies]
Structural engineering automation library. Components common to different material standards for buildings and other structures, including section properties and shared entities.
The official Linq provider for Couchbase N1QL [9 dependencies]
The official Language Integrated Query (LINQ) provider for querying Couchbase Server with N1QL using the Couchbase .NET SDK 3.4 and greater.
BoDi - Simple IoC Container [9 dependencies]
A very simple IoC container, easily embeddable also as a source code.
Reactive Extensions - Aliases [9 dependencies]
Reactive Extensions (Rx) provides the aliases Map, FlatMap, and Filter
SyslogLogging [9 dependencies]
The easiest logging library to use to send log messages to syslog, the console, or the file system. It's. REALLY. Easy.
Capgemini.Cauldron.Core [9 dependencies]
Proto.Persistence [9 dependencies]
Ultra-fast distributed actors for .NET.
Waher.Script.Graphs [9 dependencies]
Contains script extensions for graphs.
Script Syntax:
Microsoft VisualStudio TestPlatform TestFramework [9 dependencies]
My package description.
Microsoft.AspNet.WebUtilities [9 dependencies]
ASP.NET 5 common helper methods.
IP-2-Country.DataSources.CSVFile [9 dependencies]
Provides base classes for handling CSV files (plain, gzipped or zipped) for IP2Country
FubarDev.WebDavServer [9 dependencies]
A .NET WebDAV server
Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.ServiceBus [9 dependencies]
Microsoft Azure WebJobs SDK ServiceBus Extension
IRO.Common [9 dependencies]
Common instruments here Common.
There are services with frequently used methods of working with text, to simplify working with embedded resources, the file system, the network, a service for running processes in a .net core application, a service for finding exceptions within other exceptions (incl...
Penguin.Messaging.Logging [9 dependencies]
Extended functionality for Penguin.Messaging.Core to support various logging requirements, including extension methods for logging as well as object wrappers to represent various logging levels.
Microsoft.NETFramework.ReferenceAssemblies.net48 [9 dependencies]
Microsoft .NET Framework Reference Assemblies
ModPlus Product Regulatory Database [9 dependencies]
ModPlus Regulatory Database for AutoCAD plugins
Breffi.Story [9 dependencies]
Story — a digital-platform developed by Right Perception, allowing you to create interactive presentations with immediate feedback on the change in the customer perception of the brand and the representative’s activity.