NuGet Packages By Dependencies
NuGet.DependencyResolver.Core [10 dependencies]
NuGet's PackageReference dependency resolver implementation.
CodeGeneration.Roslyn.BuildTime [10 dependencies]
The build-time development dependency that generates code for a project that consumes code generation attributes.
Nameless.Framework.Logging [10 dependencies]
Microsoft.Azure.Management.ResourceManager [10 dependencies]
Provides resource group and resource management capabilities for Microsoft Azure.
Development of this library has shifted focus to the Azure Unified SDK. The future development will be focused on "Azure.ResourceManager.Resources" ( ...
Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL.NetTopologySuite [10 dependencies]
NetTopologySuite PostGIS spatial support plugin for PostgreSQL/Npgsql Entity Framework Core provider.
Microsoft.Azure.ConfigurationManager [10 dependencies]
Microsoft Azure Configuration Manager provides a unified API to load configuration settings regardless of where the application is hosted - whether on-premises or in a Cloud Service.
.NET for Android bindings for the Android Java library ''. [10 dependencies]
.NET for Android bindings for the Android Java library ''.
GHIElectronics.TinyCLR.Devices.Adc [10 dependencies]
The ADC library for TinyCLR OS.
Datagrammer [10 dependencies]
Be.Vlaanderen.Basisregisters.AggregateSource [10 dependencies]
Lightweight infrastructure for doing command handling and eventsourcing using aggregates.
HQ.Data.Sql [10 dependencies]
Decoupling & Utilities Framework [10 dependencies]
Decoupling & Utilities Framework
Tm.Lib.Data.Core [10 dependencies]
Mobigility.Exceptions.Abstractions [10 dependencies]
Mobigility packages are .NET libraries that help to develop mobile apps for iOS and Android using Xamarin and C#
Kephas.Application [10 dependencies]
Provides an abstract infrastructure for applications based on Kephas Framework.
Typically used areas and classes/interfaces/services:
- AppBase, IAppContext.
- IAppManager, DefaultAppManager.
- IFeatureManager, FeatureManagerBase.
- Interac...
Gemstone.Common [10 dependencies]
GPA Gemstone Common Library
DickinsonBros.Redactor.Abstractions [10 dependencies]
Abstractions For DickinsonBros.Redactor
KotlinX Coroutines Android [10 dependencies]
Xamarin.Android binding for KotlinX Coroutines Android (kotlinx-coroutines-android).
Note: This is an "EmbeddedReferenceJar". It will not generate any Android Callable Wrappers (ACW) and C# API.
Uno.WinUI [10 dependencies]
Build Mobile, Desktop and WebAssembly apps with C# and XAML. Today. Open source and professionally supported.
DCMS.Lib.Validation.FluentValidation [10 dependencies]
DCMS model validate for FluentValidation