NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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FM.WebSync.Chat.Net40 [1 dependencies]

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Sidewired.Web [1 dependencies]

Components for using Sidewired in ASP.NET MVC Web Applications.
Detect Motion Sensors Vector Value changes for: Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Magnetometer. Across iOS, Android, Windows Phone and Windows from a single API.
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WaveEngine.Physics [1 dependencies]

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Giawa.OpenGL [1 dependencies]

.NET Standard Bindings to OpenGL 4.5
Hangfire extension for dispatching tasks via the web UI
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OfficeOpenXml.Extends [1 dependencies]

User template in excel and fill with model
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Retyped.webgl2 [1 dependencies]

Webgl2 binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
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rap.Mongo.Helper [1 dependencies]

Classes to implement repositories for a MongoDB backend
Runtime for hosting PowerShell
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DCoolWeb.Configs [1 dependencies]

Package Description
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Penguin.Extensions.Math [1 dependencies]

Simple math extensions for numeric values. Probably not high performance
ConfigurationManager implementation for .net core apps. Gives the same look and feel to the .net framework apps.
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GreemDev.Discord.Net.Rest [1 dependencies]

A core Discord.Net library containing the REST client and models.
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Bastion.Blocks.Api [1 dependencies]

Package Description
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Frank.Libraries.Security [1 dependencies]

Generate, hash passwords and check password against hashed password, in one very small library without any frills