NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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Rocks [1 dependencies]

A mocking library based on the Compiler APIs (Roslyn + Mocks)
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PInvoke.Crypt32 [1 dependencies]

P/Invoke methods for the Windows Crypt32.dll.
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Testify [1 dependencies]

Testify is a unit test assertions, test data creation and contract verification framework. It's not dependent on any specific unit testing framework.
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Artomatix.SFS [1 dependencies]

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boost_contract-vc100 [1 dependencies]

boost_contract-vc100. Compiler: Visual Studio 2010 SP1.
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LanguageUnderstanding.Json [1 dependencies]

Package Description
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Base.Domain [1 dependencies]

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ETDB-Library [1 dependencies]

Package Description
.NET client library for the OneCompute Platform REST API
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TBKMath [1 dependencies]

Repository shared contract library
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Genbox.SimpleS3.Abstracts [1 dependencies]

A simple, secure and high-performance client for Amazon S3
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HDS.Protobuf [1 dependencies]

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AccessTokenClient [1 dependencies]

This library provides a token client that can be used when you need to make client credentials OAuth requests. Instead of re-writing the same token clients over and over again in your services, you can use this package to make those token requests easily. The package also includes the ability to cac...
Responsible for executing Rhino Specs using Gravity API Automation Engine.
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DataJuggler.RandomShuffler [1 dependencies]

RandomShuffler uses even distribution and is closer to simulating real cards or dice. Update 11.15.2023: This project has been updated to .NET8. Update 2.6.2023: I fixed the LargeNumberShuffler with 0 as a minimum number. Update 11.8.2022 v7.0.3: This project has been updated for .NET7. ...
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Bux.Data.EntityFramework [1 dependencies]

The Bux.Data.EntityFramework extension component. Based on the Bux framework.